Weekly Round Up- July 13

It’s Friday everybody!!! I am so excited to get some rest and sleep in tomorrow! I have been really tried all week long, and I have been wondering why. For some reason, I forgot I moved all weekend, and didn’t get much rest. Number one goal this weekend is to relax, eat, and watch TV!

Someone brought donuts this morning, and it made my day! I haven’t had a donut in so long, and it was so good. What is your favorite donut place? I believe Shipley’s donuts has the best donuts ever!

I did pretty well posting this week, mostly in part, because I had a lot on my mind. Here is a round up of some awesome posts this week:

Joe @ Retire by Forty talked about How to Start Making Passive Income.He suggests to spend less than you earn, invest in equities, rental home, and P2P lending. I know I am pretty early in my financial journey, but I am trying to spend less than we earn. Are you?

Do you want to learn how to make sure your kid has a full ride to school? Read How to Turn Your Kid Into An Olympic Athlete at See Debt Run. I am not sure if I want my kids to be Olympic athletes, or if I even want to have kids. But I would definitely encourage them to succeed academically, athletically, or musically.

Michelle at Making Sense of Cents has some Extra Money Ideas. I have been making some extra money babysitting, and want to babysit more. I would be satisfied with ten hours a week. I would also like to tutor. I could be a Spanish or Flute tutor. I have taught music classes before, not sure why I never thought about it before. My target age would be beginners. I would like to make $400 of extra money per month. What are some skills you could put to use?

Who makes more money in your household? Erika at Everything Finance write about the changing dynamics in a marriage When Women Make More Money Than Their Husbands. Right now, I am making more money than my husband. I don’t think this will ever be the trend, but it honestly, doesn’t matter to us. I see my income as our income, and we have joint goals. If I make more money, it’s beneficial for both us, visa versa.

Daisy at Add Vodka wrote a very intriguing post, We PF Bloggers Are Self Centered. Check it out, and write your opinion. It won’t be a waste of time, for sure 🙂

What are your plans for the weekend?


8 responses to “Weekly Round Up- July 13

  1. Get some rest this weekend! I’ve never been a donut person, but one thing I do like is when I go home to michigan in the fall, and go to the apple orchard where they have the freshly made plain donuts and hot apple cider. mmmm. I like my donuts plain.

  2. I had no problem being the bigger breadwinner for the first six months of marriage, but it gets old when you are the bigger breadwinner but can never do anything fun because the other person spends all the money. That;s when it’s really easy to get resentful. It’s great that you guys both have the same financial goals and are getting there together, but for us we are constantly working on our financial relationship because Eric had a really bad spending problem and it’s frankly unfair for the financial burden to be placed on one person all the time.

    • I understand. It’s not easy. There are definitely times I feel antsy, because I worry about money. Just have to slow down and take a deep breath.
      Try to manage the resentment. My parents always fight about money, and as a kid growing up it wasn’t pleasant. It still isn’t.

    • Someone brought bagels too! I have carb loaded this morning! My husband loves krispy kreme donuts! I think they are too sweet. If I ever visit Portland, I will have to find this magical donut place you talk about!

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